7 Amazing Tips for a stress-free life

Indicare Health Solutions
3 min readMar 19, 2021

Stress & Anxiety is common for all! But what if it becomes an inseparable part of your life? If you have been finding it hard to deal with your stress then this information is for you.

Here are some stresses relieving tips to help you deal in your daily life:

Write what you feel

Writing really helps! When you pen down your emotions it helps you understand your every emotion and expression in detail. When we are stressed we are usually not in a state of mind to understand the existing situation, however writing and reading our thoughts back helps us to understand the issues, problems and helps us address the level of stress we have been dealing with. It also enables us to write things and issues we are not comfortable talking about.

Spend time with your loved ones

When we are in the company of our loved ones, we feel secure, comfortable, and happy. Emotional support from a true friend or a close relative helps us to get through stressful times. A sense of belongingness is important and can work wonders at the time of anxiety and depression.

Social support from friends and family

Being part of a friend network gives you a sense of belonging and self-worth, which can help you get through stressful times. As per a study, women tend to share and express their feelings with their close ones that help them release oxytocin. It is a natural stress reliever that helps you relieve anxiety keeping you stress-free.

Saying no to what is not important

Some stresses are common and are often the ones you can’t avoid. However, still there are a few things that are in your control. All you need to do is just plan and prioritize them well and often start saying no to the things that can be ignored or are least important. Take control over the parts of your life that are possible to change and are in your control. When you chose to say no especially to the things that can be done by someone else or can be delayed you feel confident enough to have time to tackle things that are really important. Juggling many responsibilities leaves you overwhelmed causing you more stress and anxiety.

Exercise, Exercise, and Exercise

Exercising and keeping your body in regular activity is the most important thing to do for both — your good health and to keep you stay away from stress and anxiety. Exercising makes you healthy, good health keeps you stay happy and a happy person is more at peace living a stress-free life.

Just do something

Clean your trash, clean your wardrobe or simply take a walk. The mantra is to do something. This will keep you involved in your tasks giving you less time to think over a particular situation responsible for causing you stress. Getting busy with your routine or anything that makes you feel good will help you regain your self-control over your thoughts bringing you back in present.

Avoid sugar when Stressed

An ice-cream bowl or having your favorite chocolate might make you feel good for some time but it can do more harm than good. According to a study eating more sugar can worsen your anxiety instead of doing any good to you. Instead of consuming sugary products switch to drinking plenty of water or have a protein-rich diet. As a matter of fact when chronically stressed the body has increased demand for protein. Therefore it becomes all the more important to have a protein-rich diet especially when you are dealing with stress and anxiety.

If you are the one dealing with stress and anxiety then the best thing to do is to watch your thoughts. Most of the time our worries are baseless and are the outcome of our overthinking. Thus, first, we need to address what are the issues or situations that make us anxious and how we can deal with them. Suppose, does the arrival of unwanted guests makes you anxious, or does preparing your kid during his examination bring stress to you? If yes, then these situations can be tackled with patience and acceptance. Prepare your mind while dealing with such incidents and train your brain to act rationally.

Stay calm to have a stress-free life… Good Luck!



Indicare Health Solutions

Indicare Health Solutions is focused to deliver holistic, quality care for the emotional, mental, and physical well being of your employees.