How much alcohol you should choose?

Indicare Health Solutions
2 min readApr 1, 2021

Are you aware that alcohol abuse can negatively affect you?

Drinking alcohol within a healthy range surely helps you relieve stress, however, if you are drinking more than a couple of drinks in a day then this alcohol abuse can negatively affect your brain, heart, liver, and pancreas. The basic rule for drinking is to don’t overdo and drink within the limit. How much you should intake depends on your height, weight, and gender and that is different for each one of us, so choose your drink wisely!

How strong your drink is defined by the number of units it contains. A glass of wine can range between just over one unit and more than three units depending on the size of the glass and type of wine. Usually, an intake of 14 units a week spread your intake evenly for a week. Also, if you have developed a tolerance for drinking don’t think that it will not harm you. The fact is that even if you have tolerance and are unable to find out the alcohol effects then also the amount you intake is accountable to risk your health. Thus, always remember to calculate your intake.

Choosing your drink wisely is important and hopefully, we helped you understand why. Get the right intake of alcohol to keep your mind and body fit and fine.

And before indulging, don’t forget to remember– How much is too much!



Indicare Health Solutions

Indicare Health Solutions is focused to deliver holistic, quality care for the emotional, mental, and physical well being of your employees.