The Untold Benefits of Shatavari

Indicare Health Solutions
2 min readFeb 26, 2021
Benefits of Shatavari

For ages, Asparagus racemosus popularly known as Shatavari is considered to be the most important herb in Ayurveda that is used to cure women’s health issues. It not only supports the female reproductive system, however, it has also been used to support women during pregnancy, during menopause, to support the nervous system, to maintain hormonal balance, and to help in encouraging circulation. Shatavari is not restricted to cure the health issues of women at a certain age however, it is beneficial for women of all ages right from a small girl to an old age lady, anyone can benefit from this natural herb.

Before you switch on to Shatavari here is what it contains.

a) Phytochemistry

Shatavari is a great source of phytochemicals, the plant chemicals supporting good health. It strengthens the immune system and helps you fight oxidative stress. These also tend to possess the anti-cancer activity and are considered extremely beneficial for maintaining your reproductive health. The certain types of phytochemicals present in Shatavari include Steroidal saponins, alkaloids, Oligosaccharides, Mucilage, and Isoflavones.

b) Nutrients in Shatavari

Copper, manganese, zinc, and cobalt are the minerals present in Shatavari. Along with minerals it also has vitamin A and ascorbic acid. Shatavari is highly beneficial in curing arthritis, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol levels, heart disease, and depression.

Shatavari is a highly beneficial ingredient that supports reproductive health in women. Here are some of its untold benefits, let’s have a look:

Improves Female Reproductive Health

Shatavari, the natural herb supports women of all ages. The steroidal saponins present in Shatavari make it an estrogen regulator and are often used to regulate the menstrual cycle and helps in managing PMS symptoms and also helps in easing the menstrual pain.

Supports in Fertility Issues

Shatavari contains beneficial ingredients that help to resolve infertility issues in women and increases the possibility of conception, especially in couples dealing with infertility issues and the ones who are willing to start their family.

Enhances Breast milk production

  • Anemia
  • Low blood pressure
  • Stressful lifestyle

However, taking Shatavari on a daily basis helps you to facilitate milk production. Breast milk is essential for your baby as it has essential nutrients required for your baby’s growth. Shatavari is a natural product and is free from all types of side effects. In brief, Shatavari is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used to cure the overall health of women of all ages. It is highly beneficial for the body and can help in curing female reproductive health and also supports hormonal imbalance in the body.



Indicare Health Solutions

Indicare Health Solutions is focused to deliver holistic, quality care for the emotional, mental, and physical well being of your employees.